Friday, January 2, 2009

Another Blogger joins the ranks!

Karen has started blogging. Karen's blog is another honest, from the heart, daily blog to help her stay accountable with her Ideals in 2009. Check it out.

Taking a photo, rather, getting a daily photo with some interest is hard. I think I've fooled myself last year with the everyday photos I posted. Last year's daily photos (not my online class or workshop photos) were really just snapshots, without much thought. I see I have my work cut out.

I picked this photo out of the shots I took because it was the best of the 25 shots of subjects I took in the little time I allowed myself.

Between my regular life, trying to eat right and now seriously trying to shoot a daily photo (with some thought), I have very little time left over. Something has to go and today it was exercise. Hmmmmmm. Not good.

Progress not Perfection.
4:20pm setting sun on two backyard cactus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you Linda for inspiring me and showing me that anything is possible.

love the photo! the cactuses are beautiful.

i too, have allowed exercise to fall to the back burner. monday i'm back at boot camp!

much love!