Monday, October 29, 2007

The Faces of Mt. San Jacinto

We look out at the San Jacinto Mountains from almost every room in our condo. Mt San Jacinto looks different every day, every minute of the day. I am always running out to take pictures of the light on the peak, the clouds above it, snow on it, cloud formations above it and of course sunsets and sunrises. Somehow the photos I take fall short of what I see without the camera.

Lately I leave my camera set up on the tripod just inside the door from the patio where I always take photos. Timing is everything with light. Good light lasts less than 5 minutes. So, this morning I was happy to capture some special light on Mt. San Jacinto.
The first photo was taken as I arrived at Sandi’s to drop her off after our 5am hike. I took the photo near her driveway around 7am.
The second photo was taken a half and hour later. I came into the house, told Ray I was going to take a shower but ended up seated at the computer when I noticed a change of lighting on the mountain.

Of course, I wish both photos were better. But I'll show them anyway. Down the road when I have learned more about photography you and I will have some before and after photos as proof of my learning (hopefully).

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